Far North Fiber takes a major step forward – cable route study started
The Far North Fiber project, which aims to build the first pan-Arctic submarine cable system connecting Europe and Asia via North America, takes a major step forward with the start of the cable route study.
The Far North Fiber (FNF) project is carried out by the international joint venture Far North Fiber Inc. (www.farnorthfiber.com), formed by Cinia Oy (Finland), Far North Digital (USA) and ARTERIA Networks Corporation (Japan). The cable route study of the project will be carried out in cooperation with Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN), as leading technology partner and contractor for this project.
The planned cable system will run from Japan, via the Northwest Passage, to…
The research and education (R&E) networks are preparing for participating in the upcoming Far North Fiber Submarine Cable project
The new Far North Fiber (FNF) cable system will open a new, high secure and fast route connecting three continents in the global R&E community. It is good news for users in the research and education communities of the Nordic countries that an entirely new high-capacity route is currently under development by an international joint development company Far North Fiber, Inc.
The FNF Submarine Cable System will interconnect Scandinavia and Japan,…
Development Corporation formed for Trans-Arctic Fiber Cable connecting Europe to Asia
An international consortium of companies formed a joint corporation to work towards development of a submarine fiber optic system connecting Asia and Europe through the Arctic. Far North Fiber, Inc., brings together Finland’s Cinia Oy, Alaska’s Far North Digital and Japan’s ARTERIA Networks Corporation. The team will promote a system that aims to realize a faster and more secure route directly connecting Japan, North America, and Ireland and Scandinavia.
Far North Digital/True North Global Networks Sign MoU with Cinia for Pan-Arctic Fibre Cable
Vancouver, BC - Far North Digital-True North Global Networks and Cinia announced plans to jointly construct a fibre optic cable system linking Europe and Asia through the Arctic. Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) will take the lead on project design and installation.
Far North Digital, a North American company focused on telecommunications infrastructure development (www.fn-digital.com) and Finnish networks, cybersecurity and software solutions provider Cinia (www.cinia.fi/en/), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to build a submarine fibre optic cable…